Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Privacy must protect against misuse of personal data. Processing of personal data is regulated in the Personal Data Act. This Act shall protect privacy, personal integrity and ensure adequate quality of personal data. For more information on privacy, see

What do we record when you visit our website?

We use the statistics tool Google Analytics to calculate user numbers and traffic on our website so that we can develop and improve by understanding how it is used. IP addresses are anonymised before they are sent to Google Analytics, so that they cannot link information to individual users. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic information in an anonymized form. The information says something about how visitors use the website, for example:

  • Number of page views

  • Number of visits

  • How visitors entered the site

  • Browser information

The traffic information is stored at Google Inc. IP addresses are stored in anonymized form and therefore cannot be traced back to you as a user.

We have activated the additional function "Demographics and interest reports" in Google Analytics. You can reserve against this by changing your Google Ad settings. Here you can also update the information about yourself. By using the website, you agree that Google processes information about you in the manner and for the purpose described above.

Information cookies

Most websites today use cookies to improve the user experience. A cookie is a text file that, when you visit a website, is placed in your browser's memory. We use cookies to improve the user experience, and we collect visitor statistics via standard tools for this, which we use to make the website better for you as a user. No personal data is stored or retrieved.

By using the website, you agree that we can place cookies in your browser.

Most modern browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. You can choose to change the settings yourself so that cookies are not accepted. We cannot guarantee that the website will function optimally if you turn off this functionality.

We use the following cookies

Google Analytics
These are third-party cookies from Google Analytics. These are used to provide us with information about how the website is used (statistics). For more information, Google has a website with information regarding this.

HubSpot uses various cookies to better understand how visitors use the website.

Last updated: 02.01.2024